The List

The List


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Subscribe to The List magazine

Since 1985 The List has been helping you 'get a life' and has been committed to giving you the lowdown on arts and culture across Scotland. You can have our print edition delivered straight to your door when you subscribe for only £5 per month.

Here's what you'll get:

  • The print edition of our magazine delivered to your door every month (10 issues per year)
  • All special issues of The List including our Edinburgh Festival Guide and weekly Festival issues
  • The chance to support The List and help us continue our extensive coverage of Scottish culture
  • Subscriber only competitions to win tickets to List events

Click here to subscribe for £5 per month.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is The List still free?

The List is a free magazine available from many cafes, record stores, bookshops and other great stockists around Glasgow and Edinburgh. Our subscription optionsimply gives you a convenient way to receive your copy every month and contribute a small amount to the upkeep of our magazine.

When will I receive The List?

The List magazine is published on the 1st of every month (1 Feb - 1 Dec excluding August). Expect to receive your copies a few days after that.

How do I change my delivery address?

Contact [email protected] with your updated delivery details.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, your subscription is billed monthly and you can cancel at any time.

Can I receive The List if I live outside the UK?

Unfortunately we can't offer delivery of the magazine outside the UK at this time.